Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Mr. Collins in the evening decided to appraise the day after a hard and hectic schedule and discovered that for every one hour, five minutes on the average two and three hopeless, confused, discouraged and frustrated person had met him and demanded for assistance. He wished he could help them, thus overlooked his observation for that day and slept.
The following day when such stock of event was taken, he recorded even more persons. This time, he affirmed and believed they should be a reason for this, he called his friend and asked if he had such experience. He responded “No”. This young man was disturbed and as such went to prayer that night and received a confirmation of the gift of word of knowledge that is in operation in him. He also received a confirmation of the gift of prophecy in him.
Anytime you see such people coming, you should know that they need the operation of gifts that are directly involves encouragement (function of the gift of prophecy) and word of knowledge (insight of their problems).

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