Friday, 30 November 2007


An old Professor of Theology one day evaluated his activities in the past decades both in his church and in the school and discovered that 99% of his students did not follow/ live by his teaching, even though they passed his exams. He asked himself why this should result, but received no answer.
According to him “I thought what I needed to be effective and a successful teacher was to acquire my Theological degrees, memorize the Bible and relate it with people’s view; what then do I need?” He was deeply troubled and desperately anxious to get an answer for this question. So one day still in this mode of desperation slept and had a revelation. He saw a strange being appear to him and told him “Mark, you know letters of the Bible and have introduced same to your students; you know the commentaries and have introduced it to your students; you know the degrees of Theology and have introduce same to your students; but what you don’t know is the spirit of the word”.
He asked for the meaning of these and the strange person told “I am the spirit of the word. I am the author of the Bible; until you know me, your life and that of your students will not go beyond the letters.” Then did this man remember and understood “the letters killeth, but the spirit gives life.” and realized that he needs to be begin with God and not degrees, He needs to begin with God and not giving offering and tithe or going to church.
Many like this old Professor have wondered away from beginning with God.

1. Outline five areas you have explored without fulfillment.
2. Outline those things that have influenced your determination to begin with God.
3. How does this saying “the first step to solving a problem is to identify the real problem” relates to beginning with God.
4. Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour? If yes, what was your first experience after doing such? If no pray that prayer and take up the confession in chapter one. You can also call us/write to us.